Stride length in running is defined as the distance between both feet as they land on the ground successively with the same feet. It is an important factor in running economy, which is the key to speed endurance (able to maintain speed for longer race distances). Stride length is primarily powered by the strength and explosiveness of the runner aided by forward lean. Strength and power from the bigger muscle groups (glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps) play an important role in powering the stride.

The ideal stride length varies depending on the individual and is influenced by factors such as overall height, the length of the legs, and running biomechanics like foot strike. Other variables that determine stride length include body weight, flexibility, and stiffness. Stride length can change during a run, with steps tending to get shorter when going uphill and longer when going downhill. The average stride length varies depending on the individual and can be affected by factors such as terrain, pace, and activity.


  1. Running Speed: Stride length often varies with speed.
  2. Personal Attributes: Factors like height, weight, and leg length can impact stride length.
  3. Efficiency: Longer strides can cover more ground but might lead to a slower cadence and more risk of injury.


  • Balancing with Cadence: Cadence, or steps per minute, should be considered. A faster cadence often means shorter strides, which can improve running form and reduce injury risk.
  • Avoid Over-Striding: This is when your foot lands too far ahead, creating a braking effect and reducing efficiency.
  • Avoid Under-Striding: Taking steps that are too short can lead to a bouncy and inefficient run.


  • An optimal stride length balances running economy, speed, and injury prevention.
  • Adjusting stride length can improve form and reduce the impact on the body.

In summary, finding the right stride length is crucial for runners. It impacts running efficiency, speed, and injury risk. Runners should aim for a stride length that suits their body and running style, considering their cadence and avoiding extremes like over-striding or under-striding. This helps maintain good form and efficiency.


To improve your stride length in running, you can follow these tips:

  1. Focus on technique: Work on running with good form, such as maintaining a forward lean and engaging your glutes and hamstrings. This will help you generate more force with each step and increase your stride length.
  2. Incorporate strides: Perform strides for technique practice, focusing on knee drive and glute engagement. This will help you develop a more efficient running gait and increase your stride length.
  3. Increase mileage: Gradually increase your running mileage to strengthen your body and adapt to an efficient running technique. This will naturally help improve your stride length.
  4. Run uphill: Hill repeats, especially steep ones, can help improve your stride length. The uphill running encourages a more powerful and efficient stride.
  5. Incorporate speed work: Include speed work in your weekly running routine, such as short hill repeats or interval training. This will help you develop a faster pace and improve your stride length.
  6. Stretch and strengthen: Work on your hip flexibility and overall running form through stretching and strength training exercises. This will help you open your hips fully and naturally increase your stride length.
  7. Be patient and consistent: Improving your stride length takes time and consistent effort. Keep practicing and refining your technique, and you will see progress over time.

Remember, focusing solely on increasing your stride length can lead to injury if you ignore other important aspects of running, such as overall form and endurance. Focus on becoming a stronger, more efficient runner, and your stride length will naturally improve.