Agility in running refers to the ability to change direction, speed, and body positioning quickly and efficiently in response to a stimulus. It is a vital skill for athletes as it enhances athletic performance and reduces the risk of injuries. Agility training includes drills such as shuttle runs, lateral shuffles, and ladder drills, which improve coordination, speed, and specific sports skills. This type of training also helps in developing cognitive components such as focus, balance, and coordination, leading to improved athletic footwork, memory, and concentration.

Coordination and balance play a pivotal role in enhancing agility, as they involve a blend of quick reflexes, maintaining balance, and the ability to synchronize movements effectively. This is not just about simple motion; it includes a variety of movements such as side-stepping, hopping, and quick jumps. These activities are not only enjoyable but also crucial for strengthening the muscles and tissues used in running. To develop these skills, agility drills are employed. These drills are specially designed exercises that condition the body to become accustomed to these swift and complex movements, thereby improving overall agility.


  • Go Slow: Begin with easy drills and gradually make them more challenging.
  • Safe Space: Do these exercises on a soft surface, and wear proper shoes.
  • Listen to Your Body: If something hurts or feels off, take a break. Avoid pushing through pain.

In a Nutshell: Agility in running is about making fast and accurate moves, which helps prevent injuries. You can improve your agility through specific drills and exercises, making your running smoother and safer. Remember to start slow and listen to your body to avoid overdoing it. With consistent practice, you'll likely see a noticeable boost in your running performance!


The frequency of agility training in a running routine depends on the athlete's goals, age, and fitness level. For youth athletes, 1-2 days a week dedicated to speed and agility work is recommended.

For advanced high school and college athletes, a 4-5 day schedule laid out for speed, agility, and explosive quickness training is optimal.

According to agility training should be incorporated into a program for around 15 to 20 minutes, including coaching time and feedback. Incorporating agility training exercises such as lateral plyometric jumps, forward running, high-knee drills, lateral running, side-to-side drills, dot drills, jump box drills, L drills, plyometric agility drills, and shuttle runs a few times a week into a training routine can significantly improve foot speed and overall agility.

It is important to note that athletes should not be taught a new skill when they are fatigued, and the exercise should be stopped if the execution gets sloppy.