Anaerobic in running refers to exercise that is done at an intensity where the body must produce much of the energy for the muscles without oxygen. This occurs when the body's demand for energy exceeds the oxygen supply, and the body begins to break down stored glucose to produce energy. Anaerobic running is characterized by a feeling of breathlessness, and it is typically associated with high-intensity workouts, such as sprints, hill repeats, and other such intense activities.

Anaerobic running is an excellent way of improving fitness levels, once the body has built up its aerobic base. However, it is important to note that anaerobic running is not sustainable for long periods and can lead to the production of lactate, which can cause muscle soreness and fatigue. Therefore, it is essential to balance anaerobic running with aerobic training to improve endurance and overall running performance.


  1. High-Intensity Workouts: Anaerobic running is found in activities like sprints, hill repeats, or interval training. These exercises demand more oxygen than your body can deliver at that moment, so your muscles switch to other energy sources.
  2. Benefits for Runners: This type of exercise boosts speed, power, and endurance. Training anaerobically helps runners maintain a high level of effort over short distances or times. It also builds muscle mass and overall conditioning, enhancing performance in other aspects of running.
  3. Improving Anaerobic Performance:
    • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): This involves alternating between high-intensity running and rest or lower-intensity periods. HIIT enhances both your aerobic and anaerobic capabilities.
    • Strength Training: Strengthening your legs and core helps you handle the demands of high-intensity running and maintain good form. It also reduces injury risk by improving stability and easing muscle and joint strain.

In summary, anaerobic exercise is vital for improving running performance, particularly in speed, power, and short-duration endurance. Including high-intensity workouts and strength training in your routine can significantly enhance these aspects. While challenging, the benefits of anaerobic exercise for runners are substantial with proper training and preparation.


The benefits of anaerobic running include:

  1. Increased lactate threshold: Anaerobic running improves the body's ability to handle lactic acid, allowing runners to run faster before lactic acid begins to accumulate.
  2. Improved running form and economy: Anaerobic runs can improve running form, leading to more efficient running, better foot strike, and reduced ground contact time.
  3. Strengthened muscles and joints: Anaerobic running can strengthen muscles and joints, making runners less prone to injuries.
  4. Enhanced cardiovascular fitness: Anaerobic running can provide additional benefits to cardiovascular fitness, as it works both slow-twitch (Type I) and fast-twitch (Type II) muscle fibers.
  5. Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Incorporating anaerobic running into your routine can help reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes and cancer.
  6. Weight management: Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise can help with weight management, although it is essential for athletes to focus on other measures outside of weight as well.
  7. Strengthened bones and increased stamina: Anaerobic exercise can strengthen bones, burn fat, build muscle, and increase stamina for daily activities.

Incorporating anaerobic running into your training plan can help improve overall running performance, endurance, and muscle strength. However, it is essential to balance anaerobic running with aerobic training to improve endurance and overall running performance.