In running, a front runner refers to a contestant who leads in a race, setting the pace for the field. The term is also used to describe a leading contestant in a rivalry or competition. Front runners are known for their ability to perform best when in the lead, and they often set the pace for the rest of the competitors. The concept of front running is not only applicable to running but is also used in various other contexts, such as politics, sports, and competitions.


  1. Strong Start: Front runners use their speed and stamina to take the lead early in the race. Their goal is to get ahead quickly and then focus on keeping a consistent pace.
  2. Challenges of Leading: While leading, the front runner becomes the one to beat, making them a target for competitors who might try to overtake them. Maintaining the lead requires both physical strength and mental endurance.
  3. Advantages: Controlling the race pace is a key benefit for front runners. They can adjust their speed to tire out competitors or gain a mental edge. Being in the lead also helps them stay focused and committed.
  4. Drawbacks: Leading a race, especially a long one, is tough. It demands a lot of stamina and resilience. Front runners can also struggle with pacing and conserving energy, potentially leaving them vulnerable later in the race.
  5. Strategy and Mindset: Successful front running needs a strong mental approach, good physical fitness, and a well-thought-out strategy. It's about getting a psychological advantage, controlling the race, and pushing for victory.

In summary, being a front runner is about taking an early lead and trying to hold it throughout the race. It's a strategic move that requires a lot of energy, careful pacing, and a strong mental game. While it offers certain advantages, it also comes with its own set of challenges.


Here are some strategies for front running in a race:

  1. Choose the Right Races: Front running is most effective when you are at peak fitness and confident in your ability to maintain the pace throughout the race and respond to any challenges.
  2. Maintain a Steady Pace: Pick a comfortable pace that you can sustain for the entire race, and try to maintain it consistently.
  3. Monitor Your Competitors: Keep an eye on the runners behind you to ensure they are not gaining too much ground, and adjust your pace accordingly.
  4. Stay on the Inside: Position yourself on the inside of the track to avoid getting boxed in or too close to the runner in front of you.
  5. Use Arm Movement: Use the movement of your arms and elbows to dissuade other runners from getting too close, and maintain a comfortable distance from other competitors.
  6. Lead from the Rear: If you are not comfortable with front running, consider moving to the inside with the main group of runners without surging at the start. This allows you to stay close to the leaders without taking the lead from the beginning.
  7. Conserve Energy: Avoid surging too early in the race, as this can lead to fatigue later on. Instead, use your energy strategically, such as when overtaking other runners or entering the final straight.
  8. Practice Different Tactics: Practice a wide range of different tactics during training runs to become more comfortable with front running and to be prepared for various race situations.

Remember that front running is not suitable for everyone, and it's essential to find the racing strategy that works best for you based on your fitness, confidence, and personal preferences.