Strides, also known as striders, stride-outs, or accelerations, are short bursts of running characterized by a quick acceleration from a casual pace to a faster speed, and then a gradual deceleration back to the original pace or even slower. They are often used in training programs to improve running technique, increase speed, and enhance overall fitness.

In summary, strides are short, quick sprints that help improve your running form, speed, and efficiency. They're often done at the end of a workout or as a warm-up before a race. Strides boost coordination, flexibility, and running mechanics.


  1. Distance and Pace: You run 50 to 100 meters, gradually increasing your speed and intensity. The goal is to run faster than your usual pace, but not so fast that you get overly tired or winded.
  2. Focus on Form: While doing strides, concentrate on maintaining a high stride rate and good running form. This practice reinforces positive habits and helps eliminate any inefficient techniques.
  3. Benefits:
    • Improved Form and Efficiency: Regular strides can sharpen your running form, making your overall running smoother and more efficient.
    • Increased Speed and Power: These sprints train your body to adapt to faster paces and boost your top speed. They're also great for enhancing your acceleration, giving you a quicker start.
    • Injury Prevention: Better form and efficiency lead to a lower risk of injuries. Strides also enhance flexibility and range of motion, helping to prevent muscle tightness and strains.
  4. Adaptability: Strides are versatile and can be tailored to suit runners of all levels. They're simple to perform and can be a valuable addition to any running routine.

In summary, strides are an effective and easy-to-do exercise for runners looking to improve their speed, form, and efficiency. By incorporating strides into your training, you can elevate your performance and reduce the risk of injuries.


The frequency of incorporating strides into a running routine can vary based on individual training plans and preferences. Some runners choose to include strides after every run, while others may do them 2-3 times per week. The general consensus is to perform strides at the end of easy runs, and they can be particularly important to do on days before speed work. It's not necessary to do them on speed work days, unless it involves double run sessions. The number of repeats can range from 4-6 to 6-12 times, with each stride lasting around 15-30 seconds. The recovery between strides is typically a slow jog or walk. As runners progress, they may increase the number of strides and the distance covered. It's also recommended to perform strides on flat, straight paths or on a track, and some runners prefer to do them barefoot on grass. The key is to focus on good running form, staying relaxed, and gradually building up speed.