Double threshold training, also known as "double threshold," is a training method that involves incorporating two threshold workouts in a single day. The threshold pace is the effort level at which the body's ability to clear lactate is matched by its production, making it a sustainable but challenging pace.

This training approach is often used by elite and competitive runners to increase the volume of work at threshold pace without excessively increasing the duration of a single workout. The double threshold system typically involves two double threshold days per week, with workouts broken into intervals with short rest instead of a continuous run. This training method is designed to improve the body's ability to clear lactate and sustain a high level of effort.

is important to note that double threshold training should be approached with caution and may not be suitable for all runners, especially those with lower training volumes or less experience.


  1. Aerobic Threshold: This is where exercise intensity increases to a point where the body starts relying more on anaerobic energy production. This leads to a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles and causes fatigue.
  2. Anaerobic Threshold: At this point, the body can't effectively remove lactic acid, leading to its accumulation in the muscles. This causes further fatigue and a drop in performance.
  3. Training Method: Double threshold training involves reaching both these thresholds in a single workout. It's typically divided into two phases:
    • First Phase: Run at a moderately hard pace to increase the aerobic threshold.
    • Second Phase: Run at or near the anaerobic threshold to build anaerobic capacity.
  4. Common Structure: A usual format includes running at or near the aerobic threshold for 15-30 minutes, followed by a 5-10 minute recovery, then repeating this cycle. Later stages push the runner to reach their anaerobic threshold through intervals, gradually increasing the workload.
  5. Benefits: This training improves the ability to maintain high-intensity efforts, increases lactate threshold, and enhances overall running efficiency. It can lead to better race-day performances.
  6. Caution: Double threshold training is intense and should be approached gradually with adequate rest and recovery to avoid injury or overtraining.

In summary, double threshold training is a method that targets both aerobic and anaerobic capacities in runners. It involves structured phases of running at varying intensities, followed by recovery periods. When done properly, it significantly improves endurance and efficiency, but it's important to balance it with proper rest to prevent injuries.


Double threshold training differs from other training systems in several ways:

  1. Focus on both anaerobic and aerobic thresholds: Double threshold training aims to improve both the anaerobic and aerobic thresholds of a runner, pushing the body to adapt and perform at higher levels. High-intensity intervals: This training method involves "broken" workouts with short rest periods between intervals, focusing on high-intensity efforts. This is different from other training systems that may emphasize longer intervals or continuous efforts.
  2. Two threshold days per week: Double threshold training typically involves two threshold workouts per week, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is distinct from other training systems, such as the Canova Special Block, which may involve a different structure.
  3. Variety of paces: In double threshold training, athletes can perform intervals at various paces, allowing for a range of speeds, from 5k race pace to slightly faster than threshold pace. This is different from some other training systems that focus on a single, rigid pace for threshold workouts.
  4. Volume and intensity: Double threshold training involves a high overall volume of running, with a focus on both anaerobic and aerobic thresholds. This differs from other training systems that may emphasize different aspects of training, such as lactate threshold or VO2 max.
  5. Suitability for different training contexts: The implementation of double threshold training may vary depending on factors such as weekly mileage and training objectives. This is important for individual runners to consider when deciding whether to adopt this training method.

In summary, double threshold training stands out from other training systems due to its focus on both anaerobic and aerobic thresholds, the use of high-intensity intervals, the presence of two threshold days per week, the variety of paces, and the adaptability to different training contexts.