Resistance training is a type of exercise that involves working against a force or weight to build strength and muscle. For runners, resistance training can help prevent injury, improve running form, and increase running economy. Resistance training should include unilateral exercises to prevent muscle imbalances and mimic the demands of running. Examples of resistance exercises include squats, lunges, deadlifts, push-ups, and step-ups.

Resistance training helps build core strength, which is important for runners as the core is the pivot point when running. It is recommended that runners include resistance training in their overall fitness program, along with other exercise types such as aerobic and flexibility training. Resistance training has many benefits, including improved muscle strength and tone, increased bone density and strength, and reduced risk of injury.

Types of Resistance Training

  1. Free Weights: Using dumbbells, barbells.
  2. Weight Machines: For targeted muscle exercises.
  3. Bodyweight Exercises: Such as push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, and squats.


  1. Injury Prevention: Strengthens muscles, tendons, and ligaments, reducing risks of common injuries like shin splints and knee pain.
  2. Lean Muscle Mass: Builds muscle, which burns more calories at rest, boosting metabolism.
  3. Improved Power and Speed: Enhances muscle contraction rate, leading to stronger strides and faster running.


  • Start with lower weights and gradually increase to avoid injury.
  • Mix resistance exercises into your running routine, using weights in lunges and squats, resistance bands, or bodyweight workouts.

In summary, resistance training is a crucial element for runners, offering benefits in injury prevention, muscle building, and enhanced performance. Regularly incorporating such exercises into a running regimen can significantly elevate a runner's capabilities.


There are many resistance training exercises that can benefit runners. Some examples of resistance training exercises for runners include squats, lunges, deadlifts, push-ups, step-ups, reverse lunges, walking lunges, single-arm standing cable row, single-leg deadlift, press-ups, dumbbell row, tricep dips, superman/back extension, and mobility and stability training. Resistance training should include unilateral exercises to prevent muscle imbalances and mimic the demands of running. It is recommended that runners include resistance training in their overall fitness program, along with other exercise types such as aerobic and flexibility training. Resistance training has many benefits, including improved muscle strength and tone, increased bone density and strength, and reduced risk of injury.