Supination, also known as underpronation, is a normal joint action that occurs in the lower body during running, particularly in the foot. It happens when the foot rolls outward as it makes contact with the ground, as opposed to pronation, which involves the foot rolling inward. Supination can put excess strain on the ankles and may lead to issues such as shin splints, calluses, bunions on the outside of the foot, and pain in the heels and balls of the feet.

Common injuries resulting from severe supination include iliotibial band syndrome, Achilles tendinitis, and plantar fasciitis. Supination, or underpronation, is when your foot rolls outward during a stride, typically affecting people with high arches. It's the opposite of pronation, where the foot rolls inward.


  • Weight Distribution: In supination, the weight lands on the outside of the foot, then moves towards the balls and toes.
  • Causes: Factors like foot shape, running posture, and running surface contribute to supination. High-arched feet are more likely to supinate.


  • Physical Damage: Risks include shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and stress fractures due to the extra load on the outer foot.
  • Overload on Outer Foot: Since the foot rolls outward, the outer part endures more stress.


  1. Shoes for Supinators: Look for shoes with built-in arch support and excellent shock absorption. A wider foot base, especially at the heel, can improve weight distribution and stability.
  2. Running Surfaces: Softer surfaces like grass, chip trails, or synthetic tracks are better. They reduce shock and pressure on the foot and ankle, lowering injury risk.

In conclusion, supination is an outward foot rolling motion that can lead to injuries if not managed properly. If you're a supinator, it's crucial to choose appropriate shoes and softer running surfaces to mitigate injury risks and maintain foot health, ensuring a safe and enjoyable running experience.


Supination, also known as underpronation, is when the foot rolls outward as it makes contact with the ground during running. An easy way to tell if you have supination is if your running shoes wear out quickly and unevenly, with more breakdown on the outer side of the shoe. To check if your shoes have uneven wear, place them on a flat surface. If they tilt outward, supination is likely in play. Other signs of supination include pain in the heels and balls of the feet, calluses and bunions on the outside of the foot, and ankle injuries. Those with high foot arches are more likely to supinate. A professional evaluation, such as a gait analysis, can give you better information about not only whether you supinate, but also the degree to which you supinate, what’s causing it, and how to treat it.