Rolling hills in running refer to a type of terrain that features a series of continuous, gentle inclines and declines. These hills are not steep, but rather provide a gradual change in elevation, creating a repetitive pattern of uphills and downhills throughout the course.

Running on rolling hills can offer various benefits, such as building overall muscular strength and endurance, improving cardiovascular fitness, and providing a sport-specific way of training.

Incorporating rolling hills into pace runs and long runs can be an effective method to enhance the ability to tackle hills on race day. Additionally, running on rolling hills can help break the monotony of regular running and provide a change of pace, making the workout more engaging and challenging.

To summarise, in the context of running, 'Rolling Hills' refers to a type of terrain or course that features a continuous series of hills and valleys, characterized by their gentle, undulating nature. Unlike steep or abrupt hills, rolling hills present a more rhythmic and gradual elevation and descent. This type of terrain is common in road races, cross country events, and trail running, offering a unique challenge and variety to a runner’s experience.


  1. Gentle Slopes: The inclines and declines are typically not steep or abrupt, but rather gradual and flowing.
  2. Varied Inclines: Elevation changes are frequent but not extreme, creating a wave-like pattern in the terrain.
  3. Continuous Challenge: The constant change in elevation tests a runner’s endurance, strength, and pacing ability.


  1. Strength Building: Navigating rolling hills helps strengthen leg muscles, including quads, hamstrings, and calves.
  2. Improved Endurance: Regularly running on undulating terrain enhances cardiovascular endurance and overall stamina.
  3. Pacing Skills: Runners learn to adjust their pace and effort based on the changing inclines and declines.
  4. Mental Resilience: The variability in terrain can improve mental toughness and adaptability.


  1. Gradual Approach: Runners new to hills should start with gentler slopes and gradually increase difficulty.
  2. Technique Focus: Proper running form, such as leaning slightly forward on inclines and controlling descent on declines, is important.
  3. Pace Adjustment: Learning to maintain a consistent effort rather than a consistent pace is crucial; the pace will naturally slow on inclines and increase on declines.
  4. Strength and Flexibility Training: Incorporating strength exercises and flexibility routines can aid in hill running performance and injury prevention.


  1. Conserving Energy: It’s important to conserve energy on the uphills to maintain speed over the entire course.
  2. Efficient Descent: Using the downhills for slight recovery, while maintaining control and avoiding excessive speed.
  3. Rhythm Finding: Runners often find a rhythm that works with the terrain's natural undulation.


  1. Physical Demand: Continuously changing elevations can be more physically demanding than flat terrain.
  2. Mental Fatigue: The constant need to adjust effort and pace can be mentally exhausting.
  3. Injury Risk: There is an increased risk of injuries like shin splints or IT band syndrome due to the varying stresses on the body.

Running on Rolling Hills offers a dynamic and challenging experience that can significantly enhance a runner's strength, endurance, and mental fortitude. It requires a strategic approach to training and racing, focusing on proper technique, pace adjustment, and energy conservation. Regularly incorporating rolling hills into training can lead to improved performance across various terrains and distances.


Here are some tips for running on rolling hills:

  1. Pace Yourself: Don't start thinking that you want to attack the hill. The key is to maintain a steady effort throughout the run, especially on the uphills.
  2. Shorten Your Stride: Rather than extending your stride as if trying to power up the hill, shorten it. This will increase foot turnover and requires less effort.
  3. Optimize Your Stride: Think about picking your knee up, which will help you maintain a good running form and increase your leg speed.
  4. Stay Tall: Avoid leaning forward or hunching over, which can feel like a natural thing to do. Pretend your head is being pulled by a string straight up into the sky.
  5. Change Your Arm Swing: Pump your arms to give yourself added momentum while running hills.
  6. Practice Hill Repeats: Dedicate a day each week (or every other week) to hill repeats. This will help you build quality leg strength and improve your overall running form.
  7. Incorporate Rolling Hills into Your Runs: Incorporating rolling hills into your pace runs and long runs is the best solution to improve your ability to tackle hills on race day. Find a hilly stretch in your area and practice maintaining your average running pace as you run them.

Remember that running on rolling hills can be challenging, but it can also be a fun and rewarding way to train. By incorporating these tips into your training, you can improve your running form, build strength and endurance, and tackle hills with confidence on race day.